Policy for Review and Funding of Catawba JCPC Applications
- Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) funds are used to provide community based services for youth who are defined by the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DJJDP) as delinquent, undisciplined, or youth at risk. Funding priority is given to those programs meeting the dispositional needs of juvenile court and the priorities established by the Catawba Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and advertised in the annual request for proposals.
Programs providing treatment or intervention services must meet the admission requirements for youth to be served as established by the DJJDP. Program staff members are also expected to work with JCPC members and DJJDP staff to develop programs that utilize acknowledged "best practices" for at risk and court involved youth.
Requests for Proposals will be publicly advertised in the local paper. If you are interested in applying, please contact the JCPC Coordinator Philip Toelkes at 828-310-9534 or at catawbajcpc@gmail.com.
A log will be maintained listing all agencies intending to apply and those agencies turning applications in by the due date. Applications received after the due date will not be considered. The JCPC may choose to request additional rounds of proposals if all funds have not been awarded or if funds have been reserved to be utilized in specific priority areas not covered by prior applications received.
Applications must be complete including all narrative and budget information required on the DJJDP forms as well as a ½ to ¾ page narrative description of the agency providing services.
All agencies whose applications meet the program requirements will be given an opportunity to present their proposal to the JCPC.
The JCPC will review the applications and award funding based on priority needs, quality of services, and cost per unit.
In order to avoid conflict of interest, any JCPC member who is also a service provider is requested to not speak to other applications submitted in their area of service delivery and to refrain from voting on proposals in that area.
- Agencies submitting applications for similar services will be asked to address collaboration plans with each other.